How Healthy Foods And The Right Mindset Can Help Your Weight Loss Journey

For some of us, our weight loss journeys are defined by insecurities, crash diets, calorie counts, ...

For some of us, our weight loss journeys are defined by insecurities, crash diets, calorie counts, and the numbers we see every time we stand on a weighing scale. Needless to say, these are all components of an unhealthy lifestyle that may make you lose weight but will also do a number on your mental health and self-confidence.

When it comes to losing weight, most of us just consider the physical aspects of it, i.e., we fail to realize that it has as much to with our minds as it has to do with our bodies. This is primarily why many people who do lose weight struggle to sustain and maintain the changes. If you find yourself in the same boat in your weight loss journey, we suggest you jump ship and steer yourself toward a custom wellness plan that focuses on holistic wellness rather than just one aspect of your physical health.

Here’s how to get started.

What Is The Right Mindset For Weight Loss?

A light box, yoga mat, dumbbells, and other gym gear

When it comes to weight loss, the mindset is everything. The diet you’re on, and the hours you’re putting in at the gym matter, but you’ll only see the results you want when you’ve got the right mindset toward weight loss.

So, what really is the right mindset?

Well, in all honesty, it might be different for everyone. But ideally, your weight loss journey shouldn’t come from a place of self-hate. Deciding to lose weight because you hate what you see in a mirror isn’t what you want to start with. The desire to lose weight needs to be born out of self-love—it should be because you love yourself enough to take better care of yourself.

Moreover, it might also be a good idea to not label your journey as a “weight loss” journey but rather a wellness journey. Your goal should be your overall well-being, and weight loss is just a tiny part of that—and not even the most important one. In fact, think of weight loss as a positive side effect of your wellness journey, i.e., not the final goal, but just a bonus you pick up along the way!

Lastly, for many of us, our weight loss journeys are defined by what other people think of us and our appearance. This should not be the case for you. It’s important to keep in mind that everyone is different, our bodies are unique, and this is why our weight loss journeys differ too. You don’t owe any explanations to anyone, including yourself. When trying to lose weight, give yourself a break now and then, and breathe!

What Kind Of Mindset Shifts Do You Need The Most?

There are some very obvious and essential mindset changes that will help you see results faster. However, remember, it’s more about achieving your best self rather than a slimmer body.

Here are the mindset changes you should definitely consider.

Make Some Commitments That You’ll Be Sticking to Forever

A woman smiling while eating fruit

It’s important to understand that change will always be challenging or, at the very least, uncomfortable. But think of it this way, giving up fast food could be tough; going to the gym regularly can be challenging too, but so is being out of breath every time you climb a flight of stairs or being uncomfortable in your own skin!

You’ve got to make a choice. And ideally, it should be a choice that contributes to your long-term well-being.

Motivation Will Die; Let Discipline Live On

Reading this blog right now may make you feel super motivated to hit the gym and eat that bowl of salad. But you have to realize that this or any other motivation you feel will be short-lived. There are days when it’s simply harder to avoid a second helping of your favorite pie or get yourself up for the gym. But that is when you have to remind yourself not to overindulge, but don’t deprive yourself either. This is where your discipline should kick in.

Understand That Losing and Quitting Are Not Co-related

Sometimes, you may cheat on your diet or skip a day at the gym. Or you may not see the results you were anticipating despite doing everything “right.” Temporary defeat is a normal part of the weight loss journey.

Keep in mind that you’re only truly defeated if you quit.

Aim For Progress, Forget Perfection

Perfection is a subjective term, and that is not what you should be aiming for on your weight loss journey. Every day that you spend on this journey should be about progress. We’re all our own masterpieces, and we’re working on ourselves every day.

How Does Healthy Food Fit Into All Of This?

Contrary to popular opinion, weight loss isn’t and shouldn’t be about starving yourself. If you’ve got the right mindset, you should be able to accept the fact that food isn’t the enemy; in fact, it’s the ultimate partner for a successful journey.

But of course, we’re talking about healthy food, which doesn’t have to be boring food either!

Here are some healthy weight-loss friendly foods that are full of nutrients and flavor:

  • Eggs
  • Leafy greens: spinach, kale, Swiss chard
  • Fatty fish like salmon
  • Cruciferous vegetables like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc
  • Lean meats and chicken breast
  • Potatoes!
  • Beans and Legumes
  • Cottage cheese
  • Avocados
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Fruits

A toast with eggs and avocado

Some Other Factors That Will Help You On This Journey

Eating a balanced diet consisting of different nutrients and vitamins will help you lose weight. But more importantly, it will help you sustain your weight loss and make you healthier overall. Of course, a positive mindset will play an essential role in helping you achieve mental and physical well-being.

However, here are some other things that might help too:

  • Find a physical activity you enjoy, such as Pilates, yoga, dance workouts, cycling, and so on.
  • Practicing mindful eating
  • Staying hydrated
  • Having fun on your weight loss journey
  • Choosing health and wellness instead of weight loss alone

If you want to learn more about how healthy food and a positive mindset can help, we suggest reaching out to our women’s health and wellness coach at xoxo4wellness. As a Registered Dietitian, they can help you with a custom wellness plan that will cover all aspects of your health, including weight loss.

Give us a call to learn more.


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