8 Foods That Can Help Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation doesn't have an ideal reputation, and with good reason. However, most experts will tell...

Inflammation doesn’t have an ideal reputation, and with good reason. However, most experts will tell you that it can sometimes be good or rather essential for your body. The fact is that inflammation is closely linked to the immune system. The immune system is triggered when it detects a foreign element in your body; inflammation is often a reaction that reflects this.

So, inflammation is definitely a sign of your immune system kicking in and an assurance that your immunity works for the most part. However, at times, inflammation can become chronic. This means that you experience bouts of inflammation day in and day out, without any foreign bodies threatening your immune system.

In such cases, inflammation becomes the problem itself, and it’s been linked to several diseases like diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, and depression.

While your primary healthcare provider will definitely prescribe you medication for inflammation, there are ways you can combat it at home with an anti-inflammatory meal plan!

Here’s what you can include in it.


When it comes to berries, you have a large variety, like blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries. They may taste different but are all packed with fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Additionally, berries contain antioxidant compounds known as anthocyanins that have anti-inflammatory properties and reduce the risks of diseases. There are studies that show that blueberries may help produce more NK cells when consumed regularly, while strawberries can help people lower specific inflammatory markers linked to heart disease.


Almonds are some of the healthiest dry fruits one can consume. They are an incredible source of healthy fats, manganese, and vitamin E and are also packed with plant protein and magnesium. Moreover, there is research that links almond consumption to a lower risk of heart disease since they may balance fatty acids in the blood.

However, it’s important to note that almonds do have more calories than most other anti-inflammatory foods you’ll eat, so you should limit your daily consumption to a few almonds if you’re trying to lose weight.

Fatty Fish

 A plate with a piece of salmon

Fatty fish is one of your best sources of protein and omega-3 fatty acids, including EPA and DHA, both of which help to reduce inflammation and save you from heart disease, metabolic syndrome, kidney disease, and diabetes.

The best types to eat for omega-3 fatty acids are mostly sardines, anchovies, mackerel, salmon, and herring. Your body will metabolize the fatty acids from the fish into resolvins and protectins, i.e., compounds with anti-inflammatory effects.


Carrots have a whole range of health benefits, mainly because they contain a whole host of nutrients, including antioxidants that curb inflammation. One of its most powerful antioxidants is beta-carotene which is converted into vitamin A by the body and contributes significantly to your body’s overall health.

Additionally, carrots have lutein and zeaxanthin. Both help reduce your chances of cancer by protecting your body’s healthy cells.


Broccoli is often depicted as one of the most nutritious green vegetables, and with good reason. It’s known as a cruciferous vegetable like Brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower and is usually not a crowd favorite, especially with the younger crowd.

However, as you grow older, it’s crucial to make it a part of your diet since it can lower your risk of cancer and heart disease. Experts believe this might be because of the anti-inflammatory effects of sulforaphane, which is a powerful antioxidant in broccoli.


 A person using turmeric powder while preparing food

Turmeric has been used by ancient cultures for its healing properties and earthy flavors. A lot of its healing properties have a lot to do with its anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin which is incredibly powerful and beneficial for the body.

Research shows that it helps to reduce the type of inflammation linked to diabetes, arthritis, and some other diseases. So, making the spice a part of your everyday meals is a great way to stay healthy!

Olive Oil

Extra virgin olive oil is ideally the only oil you should be using for your food. This is because it has a bunch of benefits, including anti-inflammatory properties. As one of the healthiest fats, it’s known to reduce the risks associated with brain cancer, heart diseases, and several other serious health conditions.

Moreover, several studies link Mediterranean diets rich in olive oil to lower inflammatory markers when consumed regularly over extended periods.

However, it’s important to note that refined olive oils don’t necessarily have as many anti-inflammatory benefits as extra virgin olive oil does.

Dark Chocolate

A packet of dark chocolate with 88% of cocoa content

If you’ve got a sweet tooth and struggle with the idea of giving up chocolate completely, we suggest you try dark chocolate; it’s yummy, rich, and pretty healthy.

The reason why dark chocolate makes its way to most healthy meal plans is because of its unique health benefits and few to none drawbacks. It’s typically packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and contribute to healthier aging.

So, if you’re trying to stick to healthy anti-inflammatory options, dark chocolate with 70% cocoa content isn’t a bad choice. Its anti-inflammatory benefits far outweigh the minor disadvantages like small amounts of sugar and the fact that it can be pretty addictive.

Of course, these aren’t the only anti-inflammatory foods you can choose. Some other items in your pantry are great for inflammation, such as tomatoes, cherries, grapes, mushrooms, peppers, avocados, and so on. You can include these all in a well-rounded meal plan.

Or, we can help you with that.

Our Registered Dietitian at xoxo4wellness can help you with an anti-inflammatory diet meal plan that includes all of these ingredients as well as some of your other favorites. Our online personal dietitian is an expert in creating anti-inflammatory meal plans for women that are focused on optimizing their health and wellness.

Give us a call to learn more.


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